1. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    A Two-Step Capital Variation Model: Optimization by Different Statistical Criteria
    Automation and Remote Control 66(7):1137-1152, 2005. [Scopus, WoS]

  2. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Deterministic equivalents for stochastic programming problems with probabilistic criteria
    Avtomatica i Telemekhanika (6):126-143, 2006. In Russian.

  3. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Application of the bootstrap method for estimation of the quantile function
    Automation and Remote Control 68(11):1931-1944, 2007. [Scopus, WoS]

  4. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Yuri V. Vizilter, Vladimir A. Knyaz
    Spectrum-based object detection and tracking technique for digital video surveillance
    Melbourne, Australia. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (XXXIX-B3):579-583, 2012. [Scopus]

  5. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Anton I. Egorov
    Construction of confidence regions for motion trajectories of objects in computer vision problems
    Journal of computer and systems sciences international 52(3):124-132, 2013. [Scopus, WoS]

  6. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Ivan K. Malin, Yuri V. Vizilter, Shih-Chia Huang, Sy-Yen Kuo
    Fast car/human classification methods in the computer vision tasks
    Munich, Germany. Proceedings of SPIE Optical Metrology, (8791):87911L-1 – 87911L-10, 2013. [Scopus, WoS]

  7. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Yi-Jui Cheng, Bo-Hao Chen, Shih-Chia Huang, Sy-Yen Kuo, A. Kopylov, O. Seredin, L. Mestetskiy, Y. Vizilter, O. Vygolov, Chia-Ruei Lian, Chi-Ting Wu
    Visibility Enhancement of Single Hazy Images Using Hybrid Dark Channel Prior
    In proceeding of: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC): 3627-3632, 2013. [Scopus, WoS]

  8. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Fan-Chieh Cheng, Bo-Hao Chen, Shih-Chia Huang, S-Y Kuo, A. Kopylov, Y. Vizilter, L. Mestetskiy, O. Seredin, O. Vygolov
    An automatic motion detection algorithm for transport monitoring systems
    In proceeding of: IEEE 17th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE): 195-196, 2013. [Scopus, WoS]

  9. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Anton I. Egorov, Sergey V. Sidyakin, Ivan K. Malin, Yuri V. Vizilter
    Statistical model for pseudo-moving objects recognition in video surveillance systems
    Zurich, Switzerland. In proceedings of Photogrammetric Computer Vision – PCV 2014 (ISPRS Technical Commission III Midterm Symposium), 2014. [Scopus]

  10. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Vladimir V. Gorbatsevich, Anton I. Egorov, Sergey V. Sidyakin, Ivan K. Malin, Yuri V. Vizilter
    Fast moving objects detection using iLBP background model
    Zurich, Switzerland. In proceedings of Photogrammetric Computer Vision – PCV 2014 (ISPRS Technical Commission III Midterm Symposium), 2014. [Scopus]

  11. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Sergey V. Sidyakin, Yuri V. Vizilter
    Diffusion background model for moving objects detection
    Moscow, Russia. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS Archives), 2015, doi: 10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-5-W6-65-2015. [Scopus, WoS]

  12. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Vladimir S. Gorbatsevich, Sergey V. Sidyakin
    Fast interframe transformation with local binary patterns
    Munich, Germany. Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision, Proceedings of SPIE Optical Metrology: (9530), 2015, doi:10.1117/12.2184465. [Scopus, WoS]

  13. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Yuri V. Vizilter, Vladimir V. Knyaz, Oleg V. Vygolov, Sergey Y. Zheltov
    Stereo sequences analysis for dynamic scene understanding in a driver assistance system
    Munich, Germany. Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision, Proceedings of SPIE Optical Metrology: (9530), 2015, doi:10.1117/12.2184849 [Scopus, WoS]

  14. Sergey V. Sidyakin, Boris V. Vishnyakov, Yuri V. Vizilter, and Nikolay I. Roslov Mutual comparative filtering for change detection in videos with unstable illumination conditions // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B3, 535-541, 2016, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B3-535-2016. [Scopus, WoS]

  15. V. V. Molchanov, B. V. Vishnyakov, Y. V. Vizilter, O. V. Vishnyakova, V. A. Knyaz Pedestrian detection in video surveillance using fully convolutional YOLO neural network // Proc. SPIE 10334, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision II, 103340Q, 2017, doi: 10.1117/12.2270326. [Scopus, WoS]

  16. S. V. Sidyakin, B. V. Vishnyakov Real-time detection of abandoned bags using CNN // Proc. SPIE 10334, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision II, 103340J, 2017, doi: 10.1117/12.2270078. [Scopus, WoS]

  17. Aglyamutdinova, D.B., Mazgutov, R.R., Vishnyakov, B.V. Object localization for subsequent UAV tracking // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 2018, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-9-2018 [Scopus, WoS]

  18. Molchanov, V.V., Vishnyakov, B.V., Gorbatsevich, V.S., Vizilter, Y.V. Etalon images: Understanding the convolution neural networks // International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 2018, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-707-2018 [Scopus, WoS]

  19. Moiseenko, A., Vizilter, Y., Vishnyakov, B., Gorbatsevich, V., Vygolov, O. Region proposal-based semantic matcher // Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2019, doi: 10.1117/12.2525233 [Scopus, WoS]

  20. Brianskiy, S., Vishnyakov, B., Gorbatsevich, V., Vizilter, Y. Image filtering using morphological thickness map // Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2019, doi: 10.1117/12.2525362 [Scopus, WoS]

  21. B. Vishnyakov, Y. Blokhinov, I. Sgibnev, V. Sheverdin, A. Sorokin, A. Nikanorov, P. Masalov, K. Kazakhmedov, S. Brianskiy, Е. Andrienko, and Y. Vizilter SEMANTIC SCENE UNDERSTANDING FOR THE AUTONOMOUS PLATFORM
    Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2020, 637–644, 2020, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2020-637-2020 [Scopus, WoS]

  22. I. Sgibnev, A. Sorokin, B. Vishnyakov, and Y. Vizilter DEEP SEMANTIC SEGMENTATION FOR THE OFF-ROAD AUTONOMOUS DRIVING // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2020, 617–622, 2020, 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2020-617-2020
    [Scopus, WoS]

  23. B. Vishnyakov and V. Sheverdin REAL-TIME SLAM FOR THE OFF-ROAD AUTONOMOUS DRIVING // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2020, 631–635, 2020, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2020-631-2020
    [Scopus, WoS]

  24. B. Vishnyakov, I. Sgibnev , V. Sheverdin, A. Sorokin, P. Masalov, K. Kazakhmedov, S.Arseev REAL-TIME SEMANTIC SLAM WITH DCNN-BASED FEATURE POINT DETECTION, MATCHING AND DENSE POINT CLOUD AGGREGATION // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2021, 399–404, 2021, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2021-399-2021
    [Scopus, WoS]

  25. Y.B. Blokhinov, E.E. Andrienko, K.K. Kazakhmedov, B.V. Vishnyakov Automatic calibration of multiple cameras and LIDARs for autonomous vehicles // Computer Optics 2021; 45(3): 382-393. doi: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-812 [Scopus, WoS]

  26. B. Vishnyakov, Ivan Sgibnev, Aristarkh Smirnov, Viktor Bokov, Nikita Gordeev Combined approach for face detection and head pose estimation using DCNN // XXIV ISPRS Congress, Nice, 2022. To be published. [Scopus, WoS]


  1. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Yuri V. Vizilter, Alexey V. Lagutenkov
    Using a modified method of optical flow in the problem of detection and tracking of moving objects
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (5):3-8, 2007. In Russian.

  2. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Yuri V. Vizilter
    Investigation of the AR filters behavior in the problem of motion detection and analysis on video sequences
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (8):2-8, 2008. In Russian.

  3. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Sergey I. Panarin, Andrey I. Kibzun
    The framework for distance learning courses in applied mathematics
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (10):43-48, 2008. In Russian.

  4. Boris V. Vishnyakov
    Optimization of two-step capital change model
    Design, construction and production of aircrafts. Proceedings of Moscow Aviation Institute: 140-145, 2005. In Russian.

  5. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Quantile optimization of bilinear function
    Saint Petersburg, Russia. Modeling and analysis of safety and risk in complex systems. Proceedings of the conference: 74-79 (2004).

  6. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Measures of risk in the two-step capital change model
    Saint Petersburg, Russia. Modeling and analysis of safety and risk in complex systems. Proceedings of the conference: 93-98, 2005. In Russian.

  7. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Optimization of two-step capital change model
    Ryazan, Russia. New information technologies in research and education. Proceedings of the conference: 137-138, 2005. In Russian.

  8. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Deterministic equivalents for stochastic optimization problems
    Eupatoria, Crimea. System analysis, management and navigation. Proceedings of the conference: 175, 2006. In Russian.

  9. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Application of bootstrap method for accuracy estimation of the moving object trajectory and size
    Eupatoria, Crimea. System analysis, management and navigation. Proceedings of the conference: 132-133, 2007. In Russian.

  10. Boris V. Vishnyakov and Andrey I. Kibzun
    Application of non-smoothed and smoothed bootstrap for estimating quantile
    Eupatoria, Crimea. System analysis, management and navigation. Proceedings of the conference: 257-259, 2008. In Russian.

  11. Boris V. Vishnyakov
    The asymptotic properties of the bootstrap estimates of quantile
    Eupatoria, Crimea. System analysis, management and navigation. Proceedings of the conference: 141-142, 2009. In Russian.

  12. Boris V. Vishnyakov
    Mathematical modeling in conditions of uncertainty
    Astrahan, Russia. Geometry. Management. Economy. Proceedings of the conference: 10, 2011. In Russian.

  13. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Yuri V. Vizilter, Oleg V. Vygolov
    Building of pseudospectra for moving objects detection and tracking in video surveillance systems
    Petrozavodsk, Russia. Mathematical methods for pattern recognition. Proceedings of the conference: 463-466, 2011. In Russian.

  14. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Alexey Y. Rubis, Yuri V. Vizilter, Sergey V. Sidyakin, Vladimir S. Gorbatsevich, Mikhail V. Ososkov, Oleg V. Vygolov
    Morphological form comparison of point patterns and contour images based on Hough transform and its modifications
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (7):9-16, 2011. In Russian.

  15. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Sergey V. Sidyakin, Yuri V. Vizilter, Alexey Y. Rubis, Vladimir S. Gorbatsevich, Mikhail V. Ososkov, Oleg V. Vygolov
    Regularization of a binary representations of boundary-skeletal form using dynamic programming
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (9):9-16, 2011. In Russian.

  16. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Anton I. Egorov
    Determination of pseudomovement in video surveillance tasks
    Budva, Montenegro. Intellectualization of information processing. Proceedings of the conference: 374-378, 2012. In Russian.

  17. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Ivan K. Malin
    Determination of a moving object type in video surveillance tasks
    Budva, Montenegro. Intellectualization of information processing. Proceedings of the conference: 378-382, 2012. In Russian.

  18. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Anton I. Egorov, Ivan K. Malin
    The statistical model of outlier object detection in video surveillance systems
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (7):42-46, 2013. In Russian.

  19. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Ivan K. Malin
    Methods of fast car/human classification in machine vision tasks
    Journal of Computer and Information Technology (8):28-35, 2013. In Russian.

  20. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Vladimir V. Gorbatsevich
    Fast algorithm for image stabilization in case of a linear moving or shaking camera
    Technical Vision in Computer Systems. Proceedings of the conference, 2013. In Russian.

  21. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Ivan K. Malin
    Car/human object classification in machine vision tasks
    Technical Vision in Computer Systems. Proceedings of the conference, 2013. In Russian.

  22. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Anton I. Egorov
    The method of automatic human figure segmentation on the image
    Kazan, Russia. Mathematical methods for pattern recognition. Proceedings of the conference: 58, 2013. In Russian.

  23. Boris V. Vishnyakov, Anton I. Egorov, Ivan K. Malin
    Model static background using LBP and LTP descriptors
    Kazan, Russia. Mathematical methods for pattern recognition. Proceedings of the conference: 59, 2013. In Russian.